The chapter recruits in the top half of chapters on their campus in either RRS or PRRS.
The chapter recruits in the top half of chapters on their campus in either RRS or PRRS.
The chapter facility is full.
Accounts receivable over 30 days old are less than 5% of total budget at the end of the academic term (quarter or semester).
Chapter has a net profit for the year or took a loss for the year of less than 10% of the annual budget.
On AP action steps now
The chapter is in good standing with the university and Fraternity.
Chapter has not been on action steps more than twice in the last four years.
Chapter has not been on probation with Alpha Phi more than twice in the last four year.
Chapter has not been on probation more than once with host institution in the last four years
No CA, RA is FA
The chapter has a Chapter Advisor, Recruitment Advisor, and Finance Advisor.
Chapter is at or above campus total.